Cryotherapy Treatment

an alternative to surgery

hand holding CryoPen used in Cryotherapy treatments

The alternative to surgery where removal of a wart, growth or lesion is required. It works by freezing the wart or lesion to ensure its removal.

It is a quick and painless procedure without the need for anaesthetic – local or general. It is a very quick and effective treatment – a client can be in and out within 15 minutes.

It is generally a one visit treatment for your client. It is highly accurate and only treats the affected tissue (wart, growth, or lesion) hence, preserving the surrounding tissue.

There’s no cutting or bleeding thus avoiding risk of post-treatment infection. Cryotherapy is ideal for those smaller lesions on the face, nose, eyelids, ears, legs, and feet that are not considered important enough for surgery under general or local anaesthetic.

GP surgeries are no longer offering this service free of charge. Our charges start from just £65 (depending on lesion size and number of lesions to be treated).

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